

Sam has been the with Law Redd since 2022. Prior to joining, Sam served nine years as Chief Audit Officer for Florida State University. Prior to FSU, Sam was City Auditor for the City of Tallahassee for 13 years and prior to that Deputy Auditor General for 13 of his 30 years in state government. His work in federal, state, and local government spans 53 years. He has served on the Comptroller General of the United States Advisory Council on Government Auditing Standards, the Institute of Internal Auditors International Internal Auditing Standards Board, and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Advisory Council. He is Past National President of the Association of Government Accountant and received their Robert W. King Memorial Award and the National Intergovernmental Audit Forum David M. Walker Excellence in Government Performance and Accountability Award. In 2014, the IIA inducted Sam into the IIA American Hall of Distinguished Audit Practitioners, and also named as one of the Top 15 Most Influential Auditing Professionals. That year the Association of Government Accountants also recognized Sam as their National Educator of the Year. In 2015, The Northwest Florida State College named Sam as the 2015 Alumnus of the year. In 2016 Sam was nationally recognized by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants with their Outstanding CPA in Government Career Contribution Award. In December 2016, Sam completed a five-year appointment as a member of the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board that establishes GAAP for the federal government. At FSU, his team became the first in the State University System of Florida to receive accreditation status from the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. In 2022, the Association of Colleges and Universities recognized Sam with their Outstanding Professional Contributions Award for noteworthy contributions to the internal auditing in higher education.